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During the course, you will learn everything you need to prepare yourselves for the incredible experience that is birthing and becoming a parent. You will learn physical techniques, experience psychological exercises, and practice emotional grounding that work with your body and your baby while pregnant and during labor, to achieve a natural birth.


Your partner will be included in the preparation so that you have the best support available to you and so that you can both be sources of knowledge and strength for the journey ahead. You will also learn the best ways to begin and sustain breastfeeding and how to connect with your newborn baby and begin building the foundations of a loving respectful relationship.

Pregnancy Yoga

What is included?

Program overview


During the course, you will learn everything you need to prepare yourselves for the incredible experience that is birthing and becoming a parent. You will learn physical techniques, experience psychological exercises, and practice emotional grounding that works with your body and your baby while pregnant and during labor, to achieve a natural birth.


Your partner will be included in the preparation so that you have the best support available to you and so that you can both be sources of knowledge and strength for the journey ahead. You will also learn the best ways to begin and sustain breastfeeding and how to connect with your newborn baby and begin building the foundations of a loving respectful relationship.


Because we understand and respect that everyone is supporting their own health needs in different ways we will be providing these sessions in person and online simultaneously.


Course details:


The course is 10 weeks in total and participants can begin on week one or week six.


On week one and week six you will meet the whole team, get to know the program, the space, and the other participants, as well as have fun learning about pregnancy, birth, and your new baby. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions that you have or request any specific knowledge you would like to gain while on the course.


The classes are designed to be held in both Greek and English where necessary.


  1. What does a Natural Birth include? – With all the Networks members

  2. Your Birth Plan – Sophia Ortiz

  3. What is Hypnobirthing? – Leane Samoilis

  4. Pregnancy from your Baby’s Perspective–Sophia Michalopoulou

  5.  Breast-feeding – Lena Kanta

  6. Your Support Team – With all the networks members

  7. The Physiology of Birth, plus mother and father separate question time groups – Sophia Ortiz

  8. Natural Approach to Labor and Birth – Leane Samoilis

  9. The Golden Hour – Sophia Michalopoulou

  10.  First Days with your Baby – Lena Kanta


The Pregnancy and Birth Network looks forward to taking this journey of preparation together and, as we want this program to be as personalised as possible, please feel free to ask questions or request specific content that you would like us to cover.

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